Wet Life / 31 August, 2012
Explosion of Life
Green Turtle | An endangered marine reptil
Taking their name from the Galapagos Islands, the Galapagos green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is the only sea turtle subpopulation to nest in these islands. Famed for representing the origin of life, the Galapagos are the specific nesting habitat of this subspecies of green turtle. My encounter with this beautiful creature gliding though the strong current, came at a depth of 30 meters in the midst of a shoal of Pacific creolefish, Paranthias colonus. Listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species, they represent one of the species most in danger of the risk of extinction.

Cousin's Rock
0°09'08" S | 90°39'58" W
Galápagos Islands, Ecuador